Why Regular Dryer Duct Cleaning Is Essential

Monday, June 17th, 2024


We’re committed to ensuring the safety and efficiency of your home’s ventilation systems. One often overlooked but crucial aspect of home maintenance is regular dryer duct cleaning. Neglecting this can lead to serious consequences, including fire hazards, increased energy bills, and inefficient drying of clothes. In this blog post, we’ll explore why keeping dryer duct cleaning in Haughton is essential and why you should consider professional duct cleaning services.

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Here’s Why We Recommend AC Maintenance Every Spring

Monday, May 6th, 2024


At Hall’s, we understand the importance of keeping your home comfortable all year round, and that begins with ensuring your air conditioning system is in peak condition. While you may not think much about your AC during the cooler months, when spring arrives, it’s the perfect time to schedule your annual air conditioning maintenance.

We highly recommend having your AC system checked by a professional HVAC technician every spring. This helps to ensure your system runs efficiently, extends its lifespan, and saves you money on energy bills. Here are the top reasons why scheduling AC maintenance in the spring is essential:

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The Different Way Air Purifiers Can Work

Monday, March 25th, 2024

Today, we’re diving into the world of air purifiers, exploring the diverse methods they employ to keep your indoor air clean and fresh. Understanding these technologies is key to making informed decisions when selecting the right air purifier for your home or office.

Indoor air quality is paramount for our health and well-being, given the amount of time we spend indoors. From allergens and pollutants to viruses and bacteria, our indoor air can harbor a variety of contaminants that affect our respiratory health and overall comfort. That’s where air purifiers come in, offering a range of technologies to effectively clean the air we breathe.

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New Year’s Resolution: Improve Your Home’s Air Quality

Monday, January 1st, 2024


The New Year is the perfect time to set resolutions that prioritize your health and well-being. One resolution that often goes overlooked is improving the air quality in homes. We spend a significant amount of time indoors, and the quality of the air we breathe can have a profound impact on our health. A professional HVAC company like Hall’s can make a significant difference in your home’s IAQ. Here are several ways we can help you.

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The Link Between Heating Repairs and Maintenance

Monday, December 4th, 2023


As winter approaches, the last thing anyone wants is a malfunctioning heating system. Imagine waking up to a freezing house or enduring chilly nights because your heater decided to take an unscheduled break. You’ll have to schedule heating repair in Haughton, LA. Our expert team is always glad to help with these repairs, but we know you’d prefer not to have to deal with a failed heater in the first place. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the crucial link between heating repairs and maintenance, shedding light on how regular upkeep can save you from the winter woes.

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4 Top Indoor Air Quality Concerns for Louisiana Homeowners

Monday, August 28th, 2023


If you are not already concerned about the indoor air quality of your home, you should be. Especially here in the south, where we face a lot of humidity on top of indoor air pollution. If you have been thinking about the installation of an air purifier in Haughton, LA, now is a great time to have it done. 

You can keep reading to learn more about the benefits of an air purifier, as well as indoor air quality concerns that you need to be aware of. Then, give our team a call to schedule your in-home assessment so we can review your air purifier options and help you choose the system that best meets your family’s needs.

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What Are My Options for New AC Installation?

Monday, August 14th, 2023

If your air conditioner has been acting up this summer, it may be time to install a new system before your problems get worse. It’s always better to install a new air conditioner on your terms instead of waiting for a complete breakdown to make your move.

And our team is here to help you with all of your AC needs including AC installation in Haughton, LA. You can keep reading to learn more about the different types of air conditioners we install in homes as well as the pros and cons of each one. Then give our team a call to schedule your in-home assessment so we can help you make the best choice for your home and family.

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The Full Cooling and Dehumidifying Solution

Monday, June 10th, 2019

standard-fan-white-backgroundSummers in Louisiana bring both heat and humidity—and everyone knows this is an unpleasant combo! No matter how hot it is, a high level of humidity will make the heat feel worse. This is because the moisture in the air makes it harder for the human body to release heat through perspiration. With more heat trapped in the body, people feel even hotter than the air around them.

Since we frequently experience relative humidity above 80% during the summer (which is already 20% above what’s considered comfortable), we have an uphill battle cooling down our homes. Air conditioners must run more often to overcome the effects of both the heat and humidity, and this creates higher energy bills. The extra humidity is also harmful to furnishings in a home and allows mold, mildew, and fungus to start to grow.

But you can trust us to help you out with a whole-house dehumidifying solution.

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Why Ductless Cooling Is a Great Option for Homes With No Ductwork

Monday, May 27th, 2019


Not every home in our area was built with central cooling in mind, and that means plenty of homes lack the ductwork necessary for a standard air conditioning system.

If you live in one of these homes, you do have choices for providing cooling during the summers. You can even arrange to have a central AC put in, although it will require adding ductwork. This isn’t convenient (or even possible) for all homes, however. What are the other choices?

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A UV Air Purifier Can Help With Winter Blues and Flus

Monday, February 4th, 2019

woman-with-allergiesIndoor air quality is a big concern during two specific seasons of the year: winter and summer. Those are the times when outdoor temperatures are at extremes and homes need to be sealed up to help keep them energy efficient. The less heat a home gains in summer and loses in winter, the less energy the HVAC system needs to consume.

Those two seasons also bring specific problems. In summer, we experience high humidity in the Shreveport area, and this is where whole-house dehumidifiers are excellent. In winter, the big problem is flu and cold season, and a shut-up house can make it far easier for illnesses to spread around.

How can you alleviate this problem? We recommend using a UV air purifier in Haughton, LA.

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