What Is the Best Air Filter and Air Purifier Combination?

Monday, February 5th, 2018

air-fliter-cuFebruary isn’t too early to start thinking about the spring. The start of spring means allergy season, although it doesn’t always wait for the official first day of spring. It can strike as early as this month. As soon as the weather warms up a bit, pollen-bearing plants start to bloom and the pollen count spikes. That means sniffles, sneezes, asthma, and worse!

If you’re worried about allergy season, or about just staying healthy in general in your house, it’s a good idea to have indoor air quality improvements installed in your HVAC system. Air filters and air purifiers are the most common methods of removing allergens and other aggravating particles from circulating around a house. Usually, IAQ experts pair a filter with a purifier. Filters are a standard way of air cleaning, and they’re useful for almost any home. Since some smaller particles can work through a filter’s mesh, an air purifier serves as the second line of defense.

But there are many types and strengths of air filters, and just as there are many types of air purifiers. How do you find the best combination for great air quality in your home?

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Why We Don’t Recommend Portable Dehumidifiers

Monday, August 7th, 2017

water-dropletsHumidity is often worse than the heat here in Louisiana. The high moisture levels in the air are like having an extra layer of clothing on: the moisture makes it harder for your body to release heat, and that extra heat trapped in your body makes the temperatures around you feel hotter than they are—sometimes as much as 8 to 10°F! The moisture can cause other troubles as well, from simple things like making it harder to dry off towels, to more serious issues like the growth of harmful molds in a home that lead to triggering allergies.

One of the best ways to deal with the high humidity of the summer is to use a dehumidifier. But if your first instinct is to go online and search for a portable dehumidifier (also known as a ­room dehumidifier), which can cost anywhere from $100 to almost $2000, we recommend you instead contact our technicians to arrange for a whole-house dehumidifier installation in Haughton, LA.

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A Dehumidifier and Your Indoor Air Quality

Monday, April 17th, 2017

woman-in-front-of-fanHow humid can it get here in Louisiana during the spring and summer? If you’ve already lived her for at least a single year, you know the answer is incredibly humid. The average daily high for humidity through most of the year is 90%, and it’s rare to dip below 50%. Humidity tends to reach its peak in October, but we don’t receive anything like a break from it during the summer. This is why having a dehumidifier installed in a home is so helpful.

But a dehumidifier—or at least a powerful and professionally installed whole-house dehumidifier—has some other uses as well. It can lead to improved indoor air quality for a household, as well protection for building material and personal possessions.

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Understanding the Efficiency of Air Filters

Monday, January 9th, 2017

Winter is often the trouble time for homes when it comes to indoor air quality. A house needs proper insulation to keep heating systems from wasting energy because of drafts. But that also means stuffy air filled with plenty of unwanted particles swarming through the house. Air filters (not the filter in the HVAC system, which isn’t for air quality) are one of the best ways to solve this problem.

Here’s the tricky part, however: there is no such thing one-size-fits-all air filter. Air filters have different efficiencies, and going for the strongest efficiency you can find for air filters is a bad idea!

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Upgrade Your HVAC System for Winter with an ERV

Monday, October 17th, 2016

The most important part of preparing a home for the coming winter is to schedule regular maintenance for the heating system. (Our Proactive Service Agreement is an easy way to have maintenance done each fall, as well as maintenance for the air conditioner in the spring.) But there are some upgrades you can make to your HVAC system that will provide even better heating performance, comfort, and energy efficiency this winter. One of these upgrades that we install is an ERV.

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Pairing Air Filters with Air Purifiers: Is It Right for My Home?

Monday, August 29th, 2016

If you are concerned that the quality of the air in your home isn’t up to the level that you want, or if allergies and asthma are becoming increasing problems for members of your household, we recommend that you have air filters installed into your HVAC system. (The air filter already in place isn’t sufficient, since its purpose isn’t to cleanse the air, but to protect the interior of the AC and heater.)

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Why Shouldn’t I Just Buy a Portable Dehumidifier for My Home?

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Anybody who has lived through a summer in Louisiana knows just how humid it gets here at that time of year—and high humidity makes the summer heat turn almost unbearable. A dehumidifier in a home is a great investment when it comes to both comfort and taking some of the strain off the air conditioning system. With the indoor relative humidity balanced between 30% and 50%, a house interior will feel 8°–10° cooler! Plus, the house will have fewer issues with mold growth, mildew, and water damage.

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How a UV Air Purifier Can Help You Save Energy

Monday, May 9th, 2016

One of the many indoor air quality installations that we offer is the UV air purifier. This device is designed to target organic pollutants that often escape standard filters and electronic air purification systems. These harmful contaminants include bacteria, virus, germs, and mold spores. A UV air purifier destroys such health nuisances without using any chemicals, so you can enjoy the best air quality possible.

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How Does Too Much Humidity Affect Your Indoor Air Quality?

Monday, April 11th, 2016

Although temperatures have been relatively mild lately, warmer weather will be here soon enough. When it hits, humidity will come along with it. You’ll likely be turning on your air conditioning system shortly in order to get relief from the heat and stickiness. What if there was more you could do though?

Good news! There is: installing a dehumidifier is the ideal way to decrease your home’s relative humidity level, which should stay between 30%-50%. If it’s any higher than that you’ll find that your home is uncomfortable and your air conditioner does not work as efficiently as it should. We’ve discussed how too much humidity really affects your indoor air quality, as well as how a dehumidifier can help, below.

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Duct Cleaning and Its Benefits During Allergy Season

Monday, March 21st, 2016

Last week we recommended that you schedule duct cleaning for your home if more than a few years have passed since you last had it done—or you’ve never had it done before. There are plenty of benefits you’ll receive from professional duct cleaning, starting with immensely improved AC and heating system performance that will keep those seasonal utility bills down.

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